I'm a little worried about my boy. ?He has a slight temp (99.9 when he is always 97.9), and I know lots of Moms say that fevers are common when teething, right? ?I gave him the Motrin and fed him and he went right down. ?
?He took a 4 hour nap today- he never naps that long. ?When he woke up, I fed him and we had to run to Target and he just kind of sat there slumped in the cart and didn't babble or reach for things. ?I guess the reason I am worried is that he was very listless and quiet and just not himself late this afternoon and evening. He wasn't really crying or anything- just super quiet and pretty motionless. He's normally such a happy little guy and trying to crawl all over the place.
Is this type of behavior normal for teething or do you think this might be worth a trip to the pedi??
Thanks for listening. ?I just worry when he's not himself...?
Re: Another teething question...
If it were me and Owen was still like that in the morning, I would take him in. Sounds like your mommy instinct is kicking in!
Poor baby Ben!! I really hope he feels better!! I also remember reading or hearing that they don't want you to dismiss lots of symptoms as teething cuz you could miss something important, KWIM?
Good luck!!
My pedi is kind of annoying cuz they always say under 100.5 is not a fever. Even when Owen was like 100 for 2 weeks, they didn't do anything. I am sort of thinking of switching pedis. Sorry to ramble...
It is SO difficult to know when to be concerned and when not to be, and that is all I can tell you with any certainty.
With my kids, the ears are an especially big problem so anytime ANYTHING is going on with them, I immediately get concerned about their ears and whether they are infected or not......
Go with your gut, if you think it is more than teething then it very well could be and the co-payment will be worth the peace of mind a trip to the pedi will give you.
My sister took her daughter for an xray last week because she had been acting funny if she stepped a certain way, not really in pain though! It was a good thing she did because she (somehow) got a hailine fracture in her tibia (main bone in the lower leg) right on a growth plate. She is a vary active kid and they're not really sure when it happened, even! The doctors were very surprised about how little pain she seemed to be in, though! She was very lucky that they caught it because it could very well have caused problems for her down the road if it didn't get set in a cast to heal properly! I keep telling her that I would NEVER have picked up on something like that, but as she said to me, when it's your kid you just know when something is off - even if you can't explain what it is!