Central Florida Nesties
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so, I am definitely NOT pg. I went to the dr and he thinks I have acid reflux because of all the symptoms I was having. The good news is, he gave me some medicine for it and I feel SOOOO much better...We were excited and hoping I was pg, but I guess we gotta keep trying! my period and cycles are still so screwed up I really don't even know when the best time to try is, but I do have an account on fertility friend (I think I confused it though) so hopefully I will figure it out eventually.... but it looks like I might be waiting a while for my BFP.
Re: not good news....
Well, not the news you were hoping for, but good to get your acid reflux under control. That can get pretty severe and feel like a heart attack!
BFP will come soon enough, you'll see
And if you can't tell the "exact" time to try, then you just get to keep trying all the time. Surely your DH will like that idea!
I'm sorry- TTC starts to suck a little, after the first couple BFNs.
I'm glad you know what the problem is, though- and I hope you don't have to wait long until you have ANOTHER reason for an upset belly.
Oooh I'm sorry to hear that but I'm sure you'll get preggers soon you'll see!! I agree with Shana you're just going to have to try all the time ;-)
Glad you were able to control the acid reflux and are feeling better :-)
Oh MrsK, I'm sorry to hear that. I can imagine how disappointed you must be. I'm glad that you are feeling a lot better, though.
Good luck ttc, and have fun with it!
I'm sorry to hear this month wasn't your month...it sounds a lot like what I went through. It took us about 6 months because mine were so erratic (like 50-60 day cycles). It took a combo of FertilityFriend, temping, OPKs and preseed to get the job done, and it was all worth the wait!
Glad you got your reflux under control though...that's great news!
I'm sorry to hear that hun but look on the bright side - the practice is fun!
And I'm glad you're feeling better! I'll keep you in my baby prayers!