No vbac for me. Just got out of my appointment. My doctor will be on vaca for the last week and a half of my pregnancy.
SO, this means Molly will be a scheduled C and will arrive in time for Thanksgiving. I don't have a date yet, but I will at my next appt. at the end of August.
I'm having mixed emotions. MD was still willing to let me try but I just really wasn't comfortable with it knowing that there was NO chance he'd be around, plus a few other factors. So I will go to the O/R at about 38.5 weeks, we are estimating. Sometime in the few days before Thanksgiving, whichever day he ends up being on call.
So yay, and boo.
Re: Well, that's that then.
I had mixed emotions, too, when I decided on the scheduled c-section. But, it really is the best option for my situation and I'm finally at peace with it . . . you soon will be, too
To me, it sounds like a blessing in disguise. VBACs scare me to death ad I probably would have been worried for you! I've heard (from a friend that recently had one after her first child was an emergency c) that a scheduled c is a very different and much more relaxed experience.
Yeah, it's a weird place. Obviously, my first priority is a healthy baby. After that, I need to put my own health. I would never take any unnecessary risks to either of those. I had hoped to try for a VBAC because my C with Alex was unplanned and beyond my control- not for reasons of my body not handling labor, so there is no reason that I couldn't handle labor and have a regular, vaginal delivery. I mourned (and to a degree still do) the loss of that experience. Alex and my DH disappeared from the O/R, I was so hosed on the medicine that I have very little recollection of his first few hours. I couldn't hold him until the next day, I never got that immediate bonding opportunity. I was looking forward to that with Molly.
This time, though, I think I will be able to go in and say, no- I don't want you to take my baby to give her a bath right away. I want to keep her with me- her bath can wait. I hope to have an opportunity to absorb her in those first few hours after her birth. Then they can take her and bathe her when I need to rest.
I know what to expect from my recovery (hopefully, if all goes as it did with Alex). Knowing ahead of time when this will all go down helps us organize care for Alex, too. My family is out of state, MIL will have to take time off of work to be there for Molly's birth...lots of factors just become much easier when you know. But I still mourn a bit for the loss of that regular delivery that just eludes me. I don't know that after 2 c's...would I even try for a vbac? Whether they tell me I can or not, I don't think I would. (Yes, we're going to have at least one more after this one, although not for a few years )
So, yeah. Lots going through my mind. It is excellent for keeping my thoughts off of FIL, though, that much I will say.
Did they have to knock you out for Alex's birth? Even though mine was an emergency c, I had already gotten an epidural, so I was able to stay awake. I got to hold Mason as soon as they were done checking him out, and kangarooed him for about an hour....after that, I was sooo tired I conked out. I fought to stay awake to see everything though, I only really remember bits and pieces, but enough that I feel like I was still a part of it...
No, I wasn't knocked out. I had already had my epi done so I was awake for it but they spiked it immediately before I went into the O/R.
Check out my face in this pic to see how hosed I was. Case in point: I was stoned enough to accuse my OB of being too rough when they were putting me back together. His response was classic: "Yeah, well... what are you gonna do about it?" This is why I love him.
I can definitely understand the way that you feel about wanting to try labor - because it's the same way I feel about never getting the opportunity to try BFing my own child directly. Of course, though, I would not trade my beautiful babies for anything else just to have the opportunity now, looking back!
You'll feel the same way once Molly is here, I'm sure!