Austin has been doing okay for 1 day of not swaddling....the naps have been a little rough and he woke up 3 times last night: 9pm, which he never wakes up at and then again at 2am and 5am, which is typical....but when I went to bed, he was totally passed out and I barely heard him stir last night....hopefully he'll get the hang of it day by day...
Update: So after Austin struggling all day to nap and seeing how awfully tired he was...I decided he is just not ready to give up the swaddle yet - I'll just have to try again another time or look for signs of when he is just ready....oh well, I'd much rather have a happy well-rested baby than one who can't stay up for more than a 1/2 hour because he hasn't gotten a good nap in, ya know?
Re: Update: Unswaddling: so far, not so bad