ExAssFerret started dating a girl right after I dumped him the last time (yes, i was Beebeeish about the entire thing. I won't go there. However, to be fair, this is the ExAssFerret of my famous "worst valentines day ever, I spent it bailing his azz out of jail" story.)...
This wasn't one of the chicks he 'cheated' on me with. And he did promptly join the military and clean up his act when I dumped him too 9although I do believe he lived in his parents basement for a few more years)...And as far as I know, he quit being all stalky toward me. (I keep a few tabs for safety reasons)
I feel like a bit of an azz to be a bit smug that they're still dating. Not married, not engaged just...dating. Especially since I'm guessing that means he is either REALLY sexually frustrated or threw the whole "no sex before marriage" thing out the window. I'm guessing the latter.
Which only amuses me from a "knock him off his high horse" stand point. Of course, he did go out of his way to date women w/ kid/kids so he got that whole 'instant family' thing.