With a picture or two?
My veil is blowing in the wind in this pic, but you'd NEVER know it. I thought you could do some magic with photoshop to bring it out somehow??
Also, there's a rainbow behind us in this pic. Really! But you can't see it 'cuz of the lighting. Will your technology and technique find it???
Thanks, lady! (And aren't you sorry you offered? LOL)
Re: Jeanette, wanna play?
Oy vey, I ain't that good, lol. ?Honestly, I'm not advanced enough to do those things. ?I will, however, take a stab when I have some time to see if I can do anything at all. ?I'm bookmarking this post to come back to it- so don't think I forgot ya.
If I can't do anything, I know an awesome photog that may be able to, though he would probably need to charge for the service. ?He helped me with a few of my wedding photos and did an unbelievable job!?