H and I have reasons to worry that we won't get KU. Eventhough we just started and I'm already becoming a worry wart. We've discussed what we would do if we couldn't have a child naturally.
We had discussed our worries with my mom, who some how suggested I should get my sister to be a surrogate. I told her that was too Lifetime movieish for me. I also believed she was kidding.
Last night I was talking to my sister and was joking around and mentioned what our mom had said. She says, "that's a huge thing to ask for, I would have to think about it and talk it over with my H." I just laughed and moved on.
Later on that night H and I were talking and I got all emotional on what she said. I was hurt that she wouldn't readily say yes to it. Very selfish and very stupid of me. But I felt hurt because if the shoe was on the other foot, I would do it for her because she's my sister and I lvoe her dearly,
Anyways, I was being a beebee. H and I have a full year to try and I'm getting worked up over nothing.
Re: I acted like a beebee last night.
and there are more than four junk drawers in the world.