Phoenix Nesties
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It has been so slow here lately! I haven't had much to say, but I pop in here to see what everyone's up to. Here's a poll to maybe get things going a little bit here? 
- What is the one Christmas present you REALLY wanted, but didn't get?
- Did you keep everything you received? Or take stuff back?
- Do you take your coffee black, or with cream?
- I need some new music, what is your favorite, recently released song?
- Do you have gum in your bag right now? What kind?
- Speaking of what's in your bag... what are 3 random things in your bag at the moment?
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- What are you looking forward to in 2010?
- Name a celebrity that you're crushing on--or that's on your laminated list.
- For all the Disney fanatics out there... what's your favorite ride at Disneyland or Disney World?
Re: Poll Time!
I'll answer first..
Click Me
It has been so slow here lately! I haven't had much to say, but I pop in here to see what everyone's up to. Here's a poll to maybe get things going a little bit here?
Hmmmm... a new jacket I suppose
Keeping everything (we didnt get much, we wanted $$ for bigger ticket items)
Cream (and Sugar or Splenda if it is available)
The Adam Lambert CD is pretty good... I
Nothing random.. my checkbook, a "Sister angel" keychain thing and a pen
I like it here a lot, but if I could afford it, I'd love to move to Turks and Caicos
Hmmm my 30th b-day in Vegas...
I think i'd have to go with David Boreanaz or Rob Pattinson
At Disney World I really LOVE the Carousel of Progress
1. What is the one Christmas present you REALLY wanted, but didn't get?
I really wanted the Desperate Housewives Season on DVD
2. Did you keep everything you received? Or take stuff back?
DH got me some stuff for "Us" instead of just me. Those things went back.
3. Do you take your coffee black, or with cream?
Cream please.
4. I need some new music, what is your favorite, recently released song?
I really like the new Rhianna CD
5. Do you have gum in your bag right now?
Yes. I don't remember the brand though.
6. Speaking of what's in your bag... what are 3 random things in your bag at the moment?
3 or 4 Burts Bees chapsticks, flash drive, and burts bees cuticle cream.
7. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
8. What are you looking forward to in 2010?
Purchasing a home.
9. Name a celebrity that you're crushing on--or that's on your laminated list.
UFC Fighter Frank Mir.
10. For all the Disney fanatics out there... what's your favorite ride at Disneyland or Disney World?
Indiana Jones.
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