I saw my little friend again today, she is so cute!! Anyway she is also dealing with some plagiocephaly (a flat spot on the back of her head), the PT was with me and talking about elevating her mattress a bit. The mom said she was already doing that cuz it was recommended due to the cleft and possible reflux issues. I don't remember that correlation from my course. Was it recommended that you do that with your kids? I kind of get how with out as much tissue there maybe reflux could bother them more. IDK. Just wondering how common that recommendation is and if it should be something I keep in mind.
And there is a new kiddo in our program adopted from China who has a cleft palate, unfortunately I was not invited to her evaluation, I am a little disapointed. I guess she is about 26 months and it is unrepaired. I think I will ask my supervisor if I can be her therapist.
Also I read your story about your niece on Jeanette's post, and wow, your sister is good! How is your niece dealing with the cast??
Re: Laura
My niece is dealing pretty well with the cast so far, but I think she's going to have a freak out this weekend when she comes to Caroline's birthday party and she can't go swimming in the pool with everyone else! I feel bad for the timing......
As far as I'm aware, also, reflux is no more common in dids with cleft lip and palate than it is in kids without. Neither of my kiddos had it and I've never heard that correlation nor was I ever told to elevate their mattresses. However, I could see where it would be important to keep the baby's head elevated if she does happen to have known reflux (but I think that's something that is important for any kid with reflux anyway, isn't it?).
Yeah def. for any kid w/ reflux, elevating the bed sounds good. The PT asked me if elevating the bed is usually rec'd and I didn't know, so I figured I would ask an expert mommy!
Good luck with your niece at the party! Summer is a tough time to have a cast!