For those of you who have a new years resolution or goal of doing a photo every day in 2010, let's talk about it. I'm 364 days in to my first year of doing it - I actually did 2 separate photos for every day in 2009. I blogged it here and joined two flickr groups.
Group 1 -
Group 2-
My daily blog -
I highly recommend joining a flickr group - I'm moderating one for 2010 and would love to have you join in. You can check it out here.
My flickr is SaraSourire - here is my photostream.
Re: 365 Photos - Come on in
Tell me a little about it. Is it really taking a picture everyday and uploading it to Flickr?
My Photography Blog
My Photography Blog
I haven't had a chance to look at the links but I do have a flickr page already so let me check it out later! : )
It's andreacarusophoto
My Photography Blog
Ooh, interested! Can I still join, even though I'm a few days behind already? I'm really trying to improve my photography skills, especially food photography.
I'm not familiar with flickr, and I have a few questions. Will flickr automatically read the date and time stamped onto the photograph, the way that picasa does? Or does it just read what date the photo was uploaded?
How do I go about joining the group you moderate?
You can still join. The group I moderate is really for January 1 2010 through December 31 2010 , but there are other groups. If you have shots on those days, come on over!
This one is for 365 and it's a really great community of mostly women - Shutter Sisters 365 I'm a member there and really like it.
As long as you have the dates set correctly on your camera, Flickr will read the dates the way Picasa does. It shouldn't matter when the photos is uploaded - I normally do a batch once or twice a week - not every day.
My Photography Blog
just a flickr question... if you join a group do all of the members have access to your photos or only the ones you post on the group? Most of my photos are set to private.
My Photography Blog
Thanks for the info! I started a blog to keep track of photos, but it would be fun to join a group. I have pictures starting from Jan 2nd, so I would just be missing a photo for Jan 1st. I'll look more into it later today, when I have more time.