The day after Christmas, DH was carrying stuff out to the car so we could drive to my parents' house. We have a split-foyer, so he had to go down 6 steps to get to the garage level. On his way down, he stepped on one of Son's shoes, rolling his ankle. He ended up running down the other 6 steps to the basement while screaming "fvck" and collapsing on the floor in pain.
He's not a baby when it comes to this stuff. In fact, he tends to downplay a lot. If he's screaming in pain, he's really hurt. Now, give him a head cold and it's a different story.
I tried for an hour to get him to go to the hospital for an x-ray and he refused. He said he'd rolled and broken his ankles before playing baseball in high school and college, and that it was just rolled. Somehow in my 15+ years playing sports, I was never hurt (unless you count my torn ACL junior year of college).
Anyway, it swelled up that day and it didn't bruise until the next day. This is what it looked like ~36 hours later.
It's still a little swollen and the bruising has gone to his toes, but he insists it's not broken. Part of me feels like I should make him go get it checked, but a bigger part of me reminds me that he's 25 years old and I shouldn't have to force him to go to the doctor. Another selfish part of me will be pissed at him in 30 years when we're done raising kids and I want to travel and he won't be able to walk long distances because he didn't get his ankle checked because he was being an ahole.
Re: Paging Dr.WW
you know me -- i love shame. shame him into going to see a dr.
It looks exactly like a severe high-ankle sprain I had in college. I rolled it playing basketball (after not giving it enough time to heal after the previous five sprains), and it hurt SO DAMN BAD. Within a day, my entire foot - between the toes, the bottom, sides, top - was purple and swollen up about twice the size. The bruise extended all the way up to the middle of my calf. I looked like a burn patient. I had a picture, but I lost it - it was a helluvan injury.
I went to the ER and the only thing they said was to rest and keep it elevated and iced. They told me to get crutches, but I never did.