Hi Ladies,
I almost never get political on you, and I'm open to opposing viewpoints who'd like to share their opinion if they have one. Please take a moment to watch the video below regarding measures 66 and 67. Along with Seniors, public schools and safety, those with developmental disabilities would be very much harmed if these measures were to fail. As you know, I work for a nonprofit which supports these individuals-cuts to their funding would be very detrimental to them. I've put together a few quick blurbs below, and I hope you enjoy the video!
Please vote YES on measures 66 and 67!
These reforms protect nearly $1 billion in vital services like education, health care and public safety. These funds preserve class sizes, save jobs for teachers, provide seniors with in-home care, and provide health care for thousands of Oregonians through the Oregon Health Plan. In this time of economic crisis, we must protect those who have been hit the hardest ? seniors, children and the unemployed ? without putting more of a burden on the middle class.
What does this mean?
It?s Simple: Corporations should pay more than $10 in Oregon income taxes: they should pay their fair share, just like we the citizens do.
Like the rest of the country, Oregon is feeling the hurt of this financial crisis. Because over 90% of the state?s budget goes to education, health care, and public safety, this crisis could have a major impact on vital services.
The plan:
97.5% of taxpayers will NOT see their taxes increased
What does it mean? A corporation making $260,000 in profit will pay an extra $130 in taxes (1.3% of the $10,000 above $250,000). A corporation declaring no profits will pay a minimum tax of about one tenth of one percent of Oregon sales. A couple making $260,000 in taxable income will pay an extra $180 (1.8% of the taxable income above $250,000).
You can see the video here:
Thank you!
Re: OR nesties! Please consider voting YES on measures 66 and 67! Video inside
You know me - I'll be voting YES on this!!
And I'll have to watch the video at home - I don't have sound here.
I strongly oppose raising taxes, especially in a state which already has very high (bordering on punative) income taxes.
And considering how bad our economy is now, I cannot fathom how voting to raise taxes. Raising taxes is the surest way to kill growth, lose more jobs and make matters much, much worse.
66 & 67, BAD idea for Oregon, IMHO
Cinderella: I can see your concerns on raising taxes in this economy for sure: esp if you're over the 250k per year mark.
Like I said, I'm open to opposing viewpoints, and I wont try to sway those who have already made up their mind. But I strongly suggest doing some bipartisan research into what this will actually do (and not do). To be clear, a 'no' vote would:
No vote: ?No? vote rejects tax changes on incomes at and above $250,000 for households, $125,000 for individual filers. Rejects tax exemption for first $2,400 of unemployment benefits received in 2009. Leaves amount currently budgeted for education, health care, public safety, other services underfunded by estimated $472 million. (Ballotopedia)
If you're ok with that, then by all means-vote that way. But please make an informed decision before you do.The thing is-we haven't raised the corporate minimum tax since 1931! But I'm willing to bet YOUR taxes have gone up since then? So that puts all the burden on you and me: the middle class. We are already paying more than our fair share, while businesses are not. Not to mention, if this were to fail, the most vulnerable Oregonians would suffer tremendously.One day, you will be a senior, and you may have a kid in public school too. You may even know someone with a developmental disability who is %100 dependent on benefits from the state: cuts will hurt these populations more than you can imagine.
I mean come on guys-we don't have a sales tax (one of the last in the union). That's pretty unfair in and of itself IMO, and already a huge tax break for all of us.
My amateur photo blog
So that makes it right? I really and truly do not understand the notion that we can endlessly tax these people. We're not talking about millionaires here. And considering our elected officials in DC seem to be operating under the same philosophy, I can honestly say I'm glad I don't fit the criteria, because I'd be more than frustrated with these "small" taxes that we continue to pile on them.
I'm guess I'm just always amazed with people's willingness to raise other peoples taxes. I'm often reminded of Margaret Thatchers quote "The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money" I'm not suggesting this is socialism, but the theory applies.
Oh, and why the assumption that I haven't "done my research" and am "automatically writing it off"? Because I disagree with you, then I must not have done my research? Really?
I've done plenty of research, and I oppose these measures. Honestly, I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. I'm simply offering a different opinion than the OP.
ETA: I'm regretting posting this rant. Probably not the place for it and I'd delete it if I could. Taxes are a hot button issue for me and I'm pretty passionate about it.
I'm not a heartless person, I swear! I just have other ideas about how we could go about things without targeting certain people with tax increases.
I'm not into "raising other people's taxes" as my entire family is in that tax bracket, but I certainly feel that there needs improvement within our school systems and other social services as they are suffering greatly right now, and everyone, especially corporations, need to pay their fair share. I know I do, and I benefit from the services our state provides.
Corporations and high income families have had MANY tax breaks over the last 8 years that the middle class has been paying for. I certainly don't feel that raising their taxes $100 a year is necessarily nickle and diming them. But again, that's just my opinion.
We have opposing views and can agree to disagree.
I honestly didn't mean to come off snarky in my OP.
NO Worries! And thank you for offering an informed opposing view. I definitely respect your POV too-taxes are a very hot button issue indeed, and its completely understandable to be passionate about them. Ask me how I feel about our (current anyway) DINK status that puts us in the low end of a higher bracket with no house or rugrat to deduct
ETA: At least we're talking about it right? IMO, thats much better than being passive or God forbid not voting at all.
Well, I still can't wait to meet you IRL and become buddies