Hi ladies,
When I was younger, I was pretty environmentally conscious (my first activist moment was getting kicked out of a McDonald's on a school field trip when I was 7 for leading a rousing round of "Food, Folks, and Foam" in re: their use of foam packaging ), but over the past few years I've become less and less green and I'm not feeling that great about it. So several of my new year's resolutions this year are to get back to my roots, so to speak.
I'm switching over to green cleaners as soon as we're out of the cleaners we have (they're all running low right now, so probably by the end of the month), and I'm switching our paper products to green-friendly products as well -- I'd like to get rid of paper towels all together, but H isn't quite on board with that yet.
In the meantime, could I get some recommendations on green paper products (toilet tissue, facial tissue, paper towels, etc.)? I've researched online, but I'd like some user opinions, as well. H has been rather spoiled by the super soft products we've been using (horrible non-recycled content papers - Viva, Charmin, Kleenex, etc.), so I'm hoping that someone can give some suggestions that won't totally shock him in terms of roughness.
Re: New to the green board and looking for some advice
We're using Marcal paper towels, and they are really nice...just as good as the Bounty we were using, IMO.
We were going to switch to Marcal toilet paper this month, but I sent DH to the store and forgot to tell him, so we got a 12-pack of Angel Soft Mega Rolls...it'll be a while before we run out of those!
DH uses these organic cotton hankerchiefs instead of Kleenex and he loves them!
We use such a small amount of paper towels (only for pet messes now), to be honest we buy whatever is cheapest. We only use a roll ever 5-6 weeks. Instead of PT, I have waffle-weave dish towels from BB&B for drying dishes and hands, tight-knit no fuzz towels from Crate & Barrel for washing & drying our cast iron pan, bar towels from BB&B for spills and other messes, Twist brand bamboo cloths for dusting, Twist brand reusable sponges, and a bunch of random cut-up t-shirts for really messy stuff like when DH changes the oil in his motorcycle.
We still use plushy Charmin Ultra Strong TP. DH, who has been very understanding about all the green initiatives we've done in the past several years, has put his foot down about changing TP brands. I don't want to undo several years of going green over toilet paper. So we're going to keep the brand we have.