I have met certain people here since I have moved from Colorado. I just got married in November. I feel like my husband and I are in a different part of our lives than the rest of our friends. We are wanting to stay in more, save our money for a house and honeymoon. I keep inviting people over to save money and not go out, everyone wants to go out all the time and will not come over.
I love spending time with my husband. 2 days a week he plays a video game, he is more independent than I am. I like to do certain things on my own, but it would be nice to have a friend over or do something cheap.
Has this happened to anyone else? Will this get better once we move into our house?
Re: new to phoenix, having trouble making friends
I totally know what you are going though. We moved here in July and I miss all my friends back east. I've met a few people here but it's hard because the GTG's arent as frequent as they used to be when we lived back east. We need to work on changing that... But money is tight here too so it's hard to go out and meet people... We should do a GTG for all us new people and our husbands to meet eachother, haha (and the not new to Phoenix people too.. they always want friends).
I know what you are going through as well.
DH and I don't really care for bars or clubs, while some of our friends go out every weekend. Just recently some of our close friends have started staying home so we have been able to hang out.
Hang in there. You will meet a nice couple and have eventful weekends!
<a href="http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y126/wayfastwhitegirl/?action=view
I also know what you mean! We moved here at the end of May from Upstate NY and found it very hard to meet people. We just met a couple ( I work with the girl) and they are super nice but they have a child from his previous relationship so it's a little hard to get together a lot.
We also don't like to always go out...if we do, we def. go low key plus we are TTC!
We def. need to have a GTG so we can meet the new people and hopefully get some friendships started from it!
The nest is the next step up for the Old Married Ladies (but engaged ladies are always welcome). It's just not as much wedding planning talk here, like it is on theknot.com.
Carl and I were Married on May 06, 2007. We were married in NH (where we lived at the time).
I know exactly what you are going through. We moved here from the east coast in March. We haven't found any real friends yet. It's hard when you aren't in school, have children or have any club-y things to participate in. My hubby has made some connections at work but he's the boss and he doesn't like to get too personal with his guys. It's created problems in the past. And I only work part time with mainly high school kids, no connection there! LOL We live in a new sub-division and people are not very chumy. It's more hellos and how are yous. And I know exactly what you mean about being in a different place then your friends. We were always more mature then our friends and actually kind of outgrew our relationships with them. We have come to accept that we might not meet many people until we have children and we have something in common and are kind of thrown into friendships. It's hard moving to a new place
Good luck!
What part of Phoenix are you in?