South Carolina Nesties
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1/5 - entertaining yourself
What do you do to entertain yourself when your DH isn't around?
DH is taking classes on Wed and Thursday nights this semester. I have church small group on Wed, but I need a way to entertain myself on Thursday. If I don't come up with a plan for something entertaining to do I'll probably wind up cleaning, and who wants to do that?
Re: 1/5 - entertaining yourself
Generally when DH isn't around, I work on some typle of photography. I was scarpbooking most of the time, but now I've finished. Now I will load pictures to my computer/facebook, add them to & print them, fill in an album with what I recently printed, or photoshop pics to see how they look.
Other than that, I try to read. It's so hard for me to read when DH is around. Even if he's reading too. He gets to a point and wants to tell me and just completely interrupts me. So, I try to get some reading time in.
Also, I watch the shows I dvr that he doesn't like. I just keep them saved on there till I have a day to watch them alone.
Oh, one of my favorite things to do is workout. When DH had a steady work schedule different from mine, I joined a gym. I knew I wasn't missing anything at home, so it motivated me to go. Now, since it's rare occassion we're on separate schedules, I got a yoga mat and try to workout at home on my own or with the WiiFit.
If I still am looking for more to do, I play video games, work on a puzzle, or things like that.
Married 05.24.08
Missed m/c discovered 07.25.12 at 8w5d- Always loving our Peanut
BFP #2 EDD 06.08.13
"For this child we prayed..." (1 Samuel 27)
So excited to meet Amelia Catherine!
I'm only working part-time and I've decided to take the semester off school (non-traditional student, here) and so I've got a few days during the week that are all to myself!
During the daytime, I got lots of stuff to keep myself busy as far as errands, keeping house, etc.
I also usually try to get together with girlfriends. It's important for the sanity!
It's nice to go out and have dinner with girlfriends and then come home and snuggle with my hubby.