I talked with MIL yesterday about the "vintage" food Grandma's got stored in the house. Last night, I made soup for dinner. While it was cooking, MIL and I stealthily cleaned out one drawer in the pantry. I couldn't take pictures with her standing right there, but here's what we threw out:
- Box of Minute Long Grain Rice that, contrary to my guess of it being from 1988, was apparently from the 1970s (!!), according to MIL. Her eyes bugged out of her head when she saw it.
- A can of Vienna Sausages from the 1980s. And a small Canned Ham from the same era.
- A sealed container of (ready for it?) SOUR CREAM. In the PANTRY. If we would have opened it, I'm sure we all would have died.
- Her spices were equally old. Stuff that had never even been opened and had packaging from the early 90s, if not earlier.
- MIL and I agreed that we'd keep this quiet, and I realized that we were probably in minimal danger of food poisoning, because Grandma doesn't go to her pantry for food - she just goes out and buys what she thinks she needs without taking inventory first. We plan on hitting another couple drawers tonight.
It's sad when this is my entertainment for the evening.
Re: Speaking of food