Well, a couple ladies asked about me down below so I thought I'd just update everyone. Its been hard for me to get online for the last couple weeks, so I'm sorry if my responses have been few and far between. I am in a wedding tomorrow and have been doing my best to help the bride out as well as get the nursery done and work on projects around the house.
I am less than 3 weeks away from my due date now and DH and I are getting anxious about meeting our little man. His nursery is done and his clothes are washed and my bag is (almost completely) packed. I am very happy with how everything has turned out and am very happy to say I am feeling great. I just can't wait for whats to come!
Re: Still here - 3 weeks to go
Glad to hear things are going well. Sounds like you are still very busy.
Your little man will be in your arms very soon Beth!