We just started going vegetarian on Fridays and that day is looming yet again. To save my family from split pea soup or cheese sandwiches once a week for the rest of their lives, I'm looking for some ideas for recipes online. I would prefer blogs to recipe sites, especially ones that have actually tried the recipes themselves and offer tips. I just prefer the warm fuzzy feel of blogs. And yes I can google search, I just prefer those with recommendations from you green-nesties than totally random finds.
Here is my wishlist:
1. all recipes from scratch. all ingredients in more natural form- like flour, sugar, tomato juice, etc. I either don't use or don't have access to many pre-fab products. So recipes with things like: "clamato", "trader joe's BBQ sauce" or "bisquick" are impossible for me to make. (yes, I get the fact that clamato isn't vegetarian. lol)
2. have seasonal selections so I can use the site year round with season-appropriate ingredients and cooking methods (like oven use in winter, but no oven use for summer kind of thing). Saying that, I don't mind a work in progress! If it is a new blog but is current season, with a mind to unfold slowly as time goes by, then bring it on!
3. It needs to be an all vege-recipe site. I follow some regular cooking blogs but the vege recipes are limited to side dishes with the odd one or two main meals. I want a site that has tons of ideas and inspiration without the lovely pot roast picture distracting me.
4. I don't desire to "fake meat" so
sculpting bean paste into a steak shape isn't my goal. Same with using
"vege bacon" as an ingredient, it isn't where I am heading. I am
looking for the veges to sing on their own and in their own right. Boy
I really hope that made sense.
My "don't matters" :
1. time or effort isn't an issue. I don't need to worry about "under 30 minutes" or "only 1 pot in 2 easy steps". I don't mind "soak beans overnight" kind of recipes. Soaking beans overnight speaks to my inner Laura Ingalls anyway. LOL
2. It's not vegan so butter, eggs, and milk are fine.
So, does this list ring any bells? Does my perfect site exist? Something close to it at least?
Re: Vege recipe sites please!
Its not 100% veg, but like 95%. She posts on the cooking board.
http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/ It's vegan but still has some awesome recipes. She says in her bio that she's into cooking without a lot of processed fat/sugar.
Even though allrecipes.com is a recipe site, people can review the recipes so you know if it's worth making. I almost like it better than recipes from blogs. With blogs you have one person's thoughts and you may or may not have the same taste. With allrecipes you can find recipes with hundreds - and sometimes thousands - of reviews so you can get a better feel for whether the recipe really is good or not and you can see what changes other people suggest for making it better.
Tired after a long morning of hiking and swimming.
Thanks! I am checking them out right now!
My blog meets 1, 2, and 4. I do have a fair amount of vegetarian entrees.
I will also recommend www.101cookbooks.com. It's really an amazing site. It's also probably about 5% meat, but the ideas in there are fabulous, particularly if you want to get adventurous with new types of grains and flours.
arugulove is a brilliant name. for the record.
and added a few more to my favorites list now. You guys are awesome!
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