1. What color are your shoes right now?
2. How many lipglosses/sticks do you own?
3. What's under your kitchen sink?
4. What color is your toaster?
5. What was the main course at your wedding?
6. Favorite flavor of yogurt?
7. Activity you and Dh both like to do together?
8. What color are your sheets currently in the MB.
9. What year is your vehicle?
10. Thing in your house that needs to be cleaned the most?
Re: stolen survey
1. What color are your shoes right now? brown/tan/blue..hard to explain haha
2. How many lipglosses/sticks do you own? I own like 20, I use 2.
3. What's under your kitchen sink? Cleaners, recycle trash bin, our garbage disposal in pieces..thats needs to be installed. (DH needs help and won't say so..)
4. What color is your toaster? Sterling silver toaster oven thing
5. What was the main course at your wedding? A choice of filet mignon, salmon, chicken france, or some pasta dish i forget haha
6. Favorite flavor of yogurt? I hate the texture of yogurt, it makes me gag!
7. Activity you and Dh both like to do together? watch football, go out to eat, movies, activities with the kids
8. What color are your sheets currently in the MB. navy blue fleece that don't match at all, but I stripped the bed to clean it all and was lazy so I threw those on..
9. What year is your vehicle? 2003.
10. Thing in your house that needs to be cleaned the most? base boards, the corners of my floors where I always sweep and mop but can never get clean, someone needs to get on their hands and knees and do, and it aint gonna be me! lol
1. What color are your shoes right now? No shoes, just white socks right now!
2. How many lipglosses/sticks do you own? Maybe 3, I don't wear it very often.
3. What's under your kitchen sink? Cleaners, sponges, a basket w/ saran wrap, aluminum foil, etc, and other random stuff that we have no other place for.
4. What color is your toaster? Black
5. What was the main course at your wedding? Choice of filet mignon, chicken kiev, or seafood newburg.
6. Favorite flavor of yogurt? I'll only eat yogurt that doesn't have fruit in it because I don't like the texture of it, either! BUT I will cut up my own fresh fruit to put in plain yogurt...that doesn't bother me. It's a little weird, I know.
7. Activity you and Dh both like to do together? Go to the movies (ok, I only like it when it's a movie I pick cause mostly I fall asleep in the ones he picks), play Wii, go out to eat.
8. What color are your sheets currently in the MB. White
9. What year is your vehicle? 1999...if things go well, I'll be getting a new one at the end of the year *crosses fingers*
10. Thing in your house that needs to be cleaned the most? Everything, I've been slacking because I was sick. Probably the bathroom needs it the most.
1. What color are your shoes right now? black
2. How many lipglosses/sticks do you own? I dunno, maybe 3 or 4...I'm not huge into make-up
3. What's under your kitchen sink? Kitchen cleaners, Swiffer products, furniture polish, dishwasher detergent, extra Febreeze (from Sam's 3-pack), floor cleaner, trash bags
4. What color is your toaster? silver
5. What was the main course at your wedding? Chicken Roma, Prime Rib, or Orange BBQ Salmon
6. Favorite flavor of yogurt? Rasberry, but I rarely eat yogurt...hurts my belly.
7. Activity you and Dh both like to do together? LOL, besides the obvious?! We like to wine taste, eat out, see movies, cuddle, play with our fur babies (it could border on torment when Alexi teases Lily- she whines at EVERYTHING, but especially when you run with her toy and she gets left behind...drives her nuts!)
8. What color are your sheets currently in the MB. tan and white striped to match our bed set
9. What year is your vehicle? 2004 and a 2007
10. Thing in your house that needs to be cleaned the most? right now the floors...vacuum, sweep, and mop. Oh and I need to dust BAD! Just too dang tired.
1. What color are your shoes right now? Black
2. How many lipglosses/sticks do you own? I couldn't even begin to count, maybe 30/40
3. What's under your kitchen sink? Cleaing supplies
4. What color is your toaster? White
5. What was the main course at your wedding? Prime Rib
6. Favorite flavor of yogurt? Plain
7. Activity you and Dh both like to do together? Hockey
8. What color are your sheets currently in the MB. Blue and White stripes
9. What year is your vehicle? 2007
10. Thing in your house that needs to be cleaned the most? Living room (all the junk collects here)
Planning and Married Bio
My Randomness Blog!!
We like to play Mario Kart and I got the new Super Mario Bros. game but I haven't played it that much yet! I've been playing the Biggest Loser game for the Wii Fit that I got for Christmas, as well. DH got a Trivial Pursuit game at Christmas that's kind of fun, too - he doesn't like to play with me cause I beat him, though.