Drive all the way downtown
Stop for gas
Pay $8 to park
Lose feeling in my feet walking to court building
Stand in line at the medal detector
Walk up broken escalator 4 flights
Find the right room
Find out from cleck that court case has been canceled.
Sit and call attorney to make sure, and if it's rescheduled.
Get VM
Still VM
One more VM
Wait five more minutes
Brave the arctic chill to walk back to car.
Give side eye to parking attendant for "that was quick comment."
Drive home
Call school, and find out things are slow.
Call and find out attorney is fighting with other attorney in front of judge(might not need to testify) will receive call back to find out.
Put on PJ's, and head to the sofa.
Whew! Now I need something to eat.
Re: My Morning