Friend's daughter just got out of another stint in the psych ward for attempted suicide. This makes for times in a year. I don't know what all is going on, but I can't help but think friend isn't taking enough initiatve with things.
ex- she claims local hospital and state mental hospital are the only ones that accept her insurance. Local hospital can now decline treating her kid.
Kid is now on total lock-down: door removed from her room, no internet/phone, nothing in her room but a few clothes and a mattress. She's also going to the alernative school now.
I don't even no how to help. or if I want to.
Re: Ugh
Can I ask (or do I want to) what happens when the kid leaves?
'cuz...the Mr. went to 'outpatient' and group therapy for a long-ass time after he left the hospital. And I'm guessing kid isn't getting that?
The kid goes to a psychiatrist in town. I question that too. She got out New Year's eve. The office was closed until the tuesday after- no back ups, nobody on call, they didn't even know she'd been admitted after being a patient of theirs for over a year. It's the only stint in town for kids, but by golly Columbus isn't that far away.
The kid's father committed suicide and there is a history of mental illness on the mom's side too.
I can't believe the two hospitals are the only options.
honestly, I can believe that.
We had BCBS through the teacher's union (you know how teacher's ins. is--ETA, I mean--it rawks. really.) when the Mr. went in...there are apparently 3 hospitals in the lower peninsula that apparently take it for psych. inpatient.
There's just a severe shortage of public/non-uberexpensive-private psych facilities in a LOT of parts of the country.