1- I went to meet with my academic/career counselor at school about that damn C I got. She essentially patted me on the head and told me I was completely overreacting; no one gets through law school w/out at least one. Then she told me my years of experience make my C almost irrelevant; school for me is pretty much a formality. I just need to finish. The whole meeting took about 20 minutes. I feel about a million times better.
2- In that same vein, I bought my books today. What cost me $1100 last semester was only $420 this semester. I wonder why first semster books are so gaadamn expensive.
3- I got to pick an elective for this semester; Law in Politics. I'm ridiculously excited about this class. The first chapter is about the debate on gay marriage. I've got my arguing hat primed and ready to wear.
4- Also, did I mention I don't have class on Fridays? That is the sweetest.
Re: On to the next one
YAY on all fronts!! I am happy everything is on the up and up. Good luck with your second semester.
I can't wait for your updates about your Law in Politics class. I'm sure you'll slay them.
My theory on the books is that so many people just drop out after the first semester to avoid the whole "failed out so you have to wait an extra year" thing the school just charges a lot so they make the some of the money back on those guys.
Crap...I Mean Crafts
I'm passing you some of my M&Ms under the table (away from the watchful eye of Wonderhusband) to celebrate.
I just a friendly gal looking for options.