We're having dinner with my sSister, BIL and niece tonight. We're not huge fans, but we're swapping Xmas gifts. At least H loves the restaurant, so there's minimal grumbling from him when his mouth is full of yeast rolls.
Also, I've been up since 430 and am ex.haust.ed. Flarking dogs were crying to be ... I don't even know. They didn't want out, nothing was going on... just crying. I guess they figure it works for DD so maybe I'll pick them up and nurse them? IDK. But I could shoot them today.
And my future second stepmom emailed and wants to talk wedding with me, which means she's probably going to ask me to be part of the wedding party or officiate the ceremony. Please to be remembering that she looks like/acts like/is this:
Re: Blerg + blah + oh no
Wow. Sounds like you need a good long nap. Which would be called a full nights sleep.
And with a look like that...she has to be interesting.
And we have a new beebee
Ha 6! Nothing like a 40+ y.o. beebee. I'm sure I'll have plenty of WT stories to share.
Yes, Butter, I can in the state of FL.
But you can make a butt-load of money. And finance my bakery.
For a second there, I thought you said you nursed your dogs.
*needs to wake up*