Tank was being moody this morning. He was whinning and complaining. Nothing terrible, it wasn't enjoyable by any means, but nothing timeout/spank worthy. When I arrive at daycare he's in better spirits but I was a bit drained.
Another parent who is new to the center said I looked a bit off. I said Tank was a bit emotionally draining this morning but it was okay because it was only temporary, I just needed a few minutes to bounce back. The parent said, "You mean temporary until he's 18?" I said "No, temporary until I get the sweet sweet release from when death comes to collect me."
I was clearly joking but got a blank, OMGWTF YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON STARE. I quickly explained that I was joking and that my sense of humor was a little dark. The parent said "yeah, I got that."
I know need to think of new creepy thinks to say to this parent only when we are alone so people will be "WTF She's so sweet with me, are you sure you heard her right?" LOL
Re: People don't get me :(
I think it's funny. Even funnier your thinking of creepy things to say to her.
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
The Mr. thought that was hilarious.
But then again, major complaints against him tend to stem from sarcasm.
This is exactly what BFF would say in your situation. That is exactly how others react. People don't get her. I do.
Messing with this other mom could be an enjoyable new hobby. At least until death comes to collect you.