My neurologist.
I went to see him this AM for my annual appt. First he said, "It's been a long time since I've seen you." Yes, asshat, about 12 months.
Then I told him about my migraines, how I've been calendaring them, etc. He said, well you are an easy patient, thanks for making my morning so easy. Thanks, I'm soooo happy that *I* made your morning so easy.
He said, I'll see you in a year, but then I told him how when H graduates, we are going to start TTC, and my plan for my meds re: that. He said, wow, sounds like you have done your research, you are a really smart patient.
I felt like kicking him in the shins and screaming, "LISTEN CROTCHWAFFLE, I RESEARCH FOR A LIVING!" Ugh.....I guess all of his other patients must be gigantic iditios.
Also, by BP was 72/60. Tres low. I wonder if I am alive?
Re: He's an idiot
72/60? Jeez. Mine's usually 90/60 to 110/70. I thought mine was low.
Also - maybe he is used to dealing with idiots. "Doc! I sit in front of a computer screen 10 hours a day, eat nothing but junk food, drink nothing but caffeine, go home, watch 5 hours of TV, eat a frozen pizza, and go straight to bed. WHY DO I HAVE HEADACHES???
It's funny 'cause it's true.
So, so true. I have to be honest, even when I am seeing patients either for well woman exams, prenatal, postpartum, whatever I am seeing them for, I have a very hard time turning off my 8th grade level "patient speak," even when I know the person I am talking to understands a higher level of understanding because so many people do not.
I can't tell you how many women I have seen that don't understand the catheter they get with their epidural will not hurt the baby because it is going in a different hole.
See - I didn't know you got a catheter when you got an epidural, but it makes sense. And, I would know enough to understand it wouldn't poke my baby's eyes out.
I plan on getting that book, Taking Charge of my Fertility when it comes time to TTC because I am largely ignorant of the workings of my ladygarden.
Get it now. It's interesting even if you're not ttc.
But at least you know babies and pee don't come out of the same hole. You've got a lot on some women.
And most women don't know about the catheter, I always explain it before they get their epidural, which is when the question comes up.
you on migrainemeds that lower BP? 'cuz that is scary.
I'd say to callmy uberdocs but they are NOT TTCfriendly---hence me firing them 9although they don'tknow that yet)
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