Just thought I would introduce myself... I just got married in South Bend on December 12th. We had a great wedding! I'm anxiously waiting on my wedding pictures from our photographer. I'm curious to see how they turned out.
Our wedding was the second time around for both of us. So, we paid for everything. Therefore, we did not go on a honeymoon.
But, having the wedding and spending the time with our close friends and family, was so worth it!
I have a question for you past brides... Did you have any gifts you received that did not have a card with them, so you do not know who the gift came from? We have two gifts without cards. I have it narrowed down to ten possible couples who it could be. How do you approach this topic?
Re: Intro & question...
Just let it go. If you question the possible givers and they did not give you a gift, they will likely feel awkward. If those who did give do not receive a thank you, they may ask you about it anyway if they are concerned about whether or not you got it.
You could always pass the message through the grapevine, so to speak, about not knowing the giver of two gifts.
Another idea -- you can always send generic thank you's to all ten people thanking them for their presence. You are then able to thank them, without specifically mentioning gifts.
We had something similar to this happen only we at least had little bread crumbs (two congrats cards with no gifts attached) to guide us in our quest to figure out who gave us the great crystal vase and quesadilla maker I asked my coworker what he gave us and realized that I had guessed correctly (yay for the yummy quesadilla maker). DH's cousin-by-marriage got us a vase, but I had my MIL see if the gift came from her before sending the note. If we would've had more gifts without owners we definitely would've gone for the vague "thanks for sharing our special day with us" kind of note.
Congrats on your marriage!