The baby was seriously jumping around last night and as I was reading, I was watching my stomach move. I think it's sort of cool at times because I yell out "I SEE YOU!" and he moves more. He's probably scared, but I like to think he's happy to hear me. Anyways....DH got home from work really late last night and I told him to come to bed and watch with me.
So he lays in bed for like a minute and doesn't see anything. Then rolls over and of course, the baby moved. I told him he had to be patient and wait. He tells me that this really isn't that exciting. That there are 6 billion people on this planet and they all did this too while they were incubating, and our baby is just doing what everyone does. Then he did his Walton's good night where he tells me and the baby he loves us, and says good night to the dogs.
I got pouty. I told him our baby is special and he shouldn't talk like that. My feelings are still hurt. I'm pretty sure I need to move on.
Re: Beebee baby confession
Crap...I Mean Crafts
"He tells me that this really isn't that exciting. That there are 6 billion people on this planet and they all did this too while they were incubating, and our baby is just doing what everyone does."
Sounds like sour grapes to me. maybe it's happened to 6 billion people, but never for you, right? pushaw, mr. pmeg. serve him ABOD!
This isn't beebee at all. You're growing a person from nothing - feeling him move is awesome. My DH finally told me when J was a few months old that he was so jealous of how I got to experience everything firsthand (like squeezing 7 lbs through my vag, I guess). But he said he really did feel sad sometimes that I got to feel J move all the time and he didn't.
To be a smartass, ask him if he will be just as apathetic when the child learns to walk, talk, read, etc. Because, after all, 6 billion people in the world have done it already.
I could have sat and watched DB1 and DB2 move inside me forever. I think it is the coolest thing evar.
DH? Not that into it. He was excited the first time he felt DB1 move, and after that I could tell he was just humoring me. I really felt like he should want to feel the baby - I mean heck, if we're just watching TV, why not do it with your hand on my belly instead of in your lap or whatever?
He had readily admitted that he was really mostly waiting for them to be 8 so they could camp and hike and find bugs and stuff. He's changed his tune a bit, though - says "turns out 1 year olds are pretty fun, too."