Why is it that you can easily find sleep bras for the D-cup and under crowd? Do people with tiny titties really need a bra to sleep in? Are those little breasts so unwieldy that they need to be wrangled during the night?
I'm cranky. My sleep bra is on its last legs, and they simply don't make any in my cup size. I don't like sleeping in underwires, and general softcups are too stiff in the straps. Sportsbras are too expensive, and I'm worried that I'd shell out $50 or $60 and end up with a clamping torture device.
Oh, well. I don't know why I'm surprised by this. I'll just order the one I had with a bigger band and hope that works. Fckers.
Re: Complaining
this is why, i fulling intend on getting "the ladies" knocked down a cup or 3 after we're done breeding.
at 35, those suckers are going to look ossum and i WILL wear cute sun dresses.
Mine have never looked awesome, so I'm very reluctant to have surgery - it's invasive, it's expensive, and I don't like pain.
Cookie, I started wearing bras to bed after I had Bacon - my PMS spiked, and the breast pain was awful. Not to mention, they were suddenly ginormous. I just got used to having them contained, and yeah, I'm usually in a bra if I'm not in the shower or having sex. Sometimes even during sex. It's just easier that way - at least until I have to buy a fcking bra.
You'd never consider a reduction? Sure, there's pain involved, but think about all the pain you'd be saving yourself later on. Not just back pain, but the annoyance of having to find a bra that fits, much less one that doesn't look fug (I imagine it's hard to find cute bras the higher up the size goes).
You're right it's invasive an expensive, but it changes people's lives too. I worked with a woman who was just massive-chested. it ran in her family. Her 16 year old daughter was probably CW's size but with breasts that were so large they sat in her lap when she was sitting.
The mom joined the military to get a reduction, and said it was THE best decision she had ever made in her life. The daughter was following in her footsteps, but I haven't seen her since.
I don't have any back pain from them, and we're talking about easily 5K. That is a LOT of money to spend on my vanity - even if I spend $200/year on bras (which I don't), that's, what, 25 years before it pays for itself? That doesn't really seem worth it.
ETA: I did consider it, in the past, but was put off by the cost, and the fact that it's highly unlikely any of the surgery would be covered by insurance. After researching, it just didn't seem like a good use of so much money.
to me, it has nothing to do with vanity. self esteem =/= vanity in my book.
that and i'd just like to be comfortable when i'm working out, sleeping, or getting stuff done.
honestly, during the part of my cycle where theyhurt,I wear sleep bras when they're Bs
(currently? I out grew ALL of them. thank you hormones...I guess. Ieen outgrewmy sportsbras)
They don't affect my self-esteem, either. They are what they are - if I start hating every saggy, fat bit of me, I'm in a bad place, because all of me is fat and saggy.
I just like to complain about being underserved by the market. I should take that 5K and start Chicks With Tits, and solve the problem.
The only thing required for insurance to cover mine was a specific size reduction. There was no proving back pain or anything else. As long as it was over a certain mL they paid.
~~best decision ever FOR ME~~