I know it's TMZ, but they seem to be right a lot of the time.
"NBC has given Conan O'Brien the option to either do his show from midnight to 1 or leave the network, sources tell TMZ.
As TMZ first reported, after the Olympics, Jay Lenowill get his 11:30 PM time period back. We're told network execs havetold Conan they will let him decide if he wants the midnight to 1:00 AMtime slot. If he does, Leno's show will only be a half hour. If Conanwalks, Leno will get a full hour, informed sources tell TMZ.We're told if Conan gets another offer, even though NBC could block the move, they will let him go and give Leno the full hour.
Way to fvck Conan over, NBC. You can't tell me more people watch Leno than Conan.
Re: What what what!?
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
I heard the local stations are complaining up a huge storm about the Leno show. Apparently it has had a really negative effect on the NBC local news ratings.
It is a totally crappy thing to do to Conan.