I was at the market with Ben earlier and I have given up on shoes for him, at least during the summer, because any sandal type thing look cute, but just falls right off. ?Plus, HE CAN'T WALK YET!! ?So I'm just done fighting it with him,??he hates them and we lose them- so what's the point?
So I was only running in for a few things and had only picked up the first thing on the list, which was Sam Adams Summer Brew beer, for Larry. ?I was standing there, running down my list when this lady comes over and says how cute Ben is. ?I thank her and continue to look at my list and rummage for my coupons. ?She starts saying things like, "Ohhh, poor baby's feet must be SO COLD!!" and "Awwwww, bet you wish you had some shoes on, poor little baby". ?She said it like 2 more times, while I ignored her. ?Finally, I looked up after the 5th comment (which was, "Oh, Mama forgot to get your shoes on, huh?" , pointed to the beer in my cart and said, "Well, we could only afford beer OR shoes this month, so you can see what I picked. ?Have a nice day."
Why can't people just mind their own business? ?I swear!!! ??
Re: S/O re: Heather and shopping w/ shoeless kids
hahaha! i have the same issue with the boys, they go shoeless all the time,. if i put them on them before the car ride, then they are off in the car and i have to put them on again and again....
and i just got so sick of it.
but yesterday we were in market basket in the am and were in the cake aisle and this little old guy comes up to them telling me how cute they are, then he notices vinny doesnt have shoes and goes, "hey little man, mamma didnt put shoes on you, what a lucky guy! you must be so comfy!"
but thats the first person that has said anythign and it wasnt like what you got to deal with. i so would have told her that theres no way in hell that bens feet were cold because it was 98 degees outside! lol
You are my hero.
I would have thought of saying that, but never could be so ballsy to actually say it!
fan-freaking-tastic. I love it.
I love passive aggressive people. Good for you!
That is so farkin funny! You make me laugh!
Brendan has NO shoes, 0, zilch, NONE! Ok I think I got my point across. You should have also mentioned to her it's SUMMER, not farkin winter.
Jeanette, you are hilarious!! Now I want some Sam summer, BTW! Owen can not keep shoes on either, if I ever send him to daycare in them - cuz they match or something, they are ALWAYS in his bag at the end of the day. He usually doesn't even get to the destination with the shoes still on - unless he is in Robeez. Anyway, baby feet are sooo cute!!