So Carls aunt works for Verizon in MA (out of Boston) and she might have to start working 8 - 12 hour days in a call center. If the union workers strike (if Verizon and the Union dont come to agreement by 11:59 tonight) all of these people will be slave driven (and the Union workers out of a job) until something happens.
I feel bad for people like Carl's aunt who have medical conditions. There is no way she can work 8 days straight with out a day off, for 12 hours a day. It is absolutely NUTS! They had originally had her as a "pole climber", but luckly her doctor wrote her a letter saying she could not do that. The last time that there was a strike, she had to do the "pole climbing" and the Union workers TRIED to cut down the pole she was on. Ahhhh,... please please please dont let there be a strike!
Re: Keep your fingers crossed for Carl's Aunt
::crosing fingers hoping for the best::
What was the turn out??