I watch a lot of HGTV's House Hunters. I sometimes like HH International.
There was a recent episode about a couple who owned a home in Michigan, but because the husband accepted a position in paris for 3 years, the family was moving to Europe. they owned a large home in michigan, and they were looking for a rental.
i was very judgy about this couple. they had 2 young children, i think ages 2 and 5 or something young like that. they knew Paris is an expensive city, so they looked at places in the city and just outside the city.
from my understanding, kids are resiliant, and they adjust rather well to their environment if they are supported. i personally thought that the parents needed to feel comfortable with their decisions rather than the kids, but whatever.
they had the choice between a small flat (2 bedrooms) right in the city, a larger flat (4 bedrooms) a little further away but still in the city, and a house with a yard 25 minutes outside of the city. they chose the house because they felt it was best to let the kids not feel too disrupted.
maybe it's because i never had a huge yard, or because i am a city person, but FFS it's PARIS! if i had to live in paris for 3 years, i want the full paris experience. i would want to live as close to the action as possible, and the kids will adjust.
and she complained about the windows being unsafe, asking the agent "how do you keep the kids from falling out of the windows??"
the agent said, "teach the kid not to go tot he window".
why don't more french children fall from windows and balconies if paris apartments were so unsafe?
anyway, i was annoyed at this family. they chose a nice cheap house 25 minutes from the city which wasn't too bad, but i felt like they were giving up a true european experience using the excuse that the kids will feel disrupted.
Re: speaking of EK, childproofing, and boundaries...
I love that show.
Also love Get It Sold, Sell This House, and the Intervention one with the creey host. Love them all.
yes, they had a yard - but (IMO), the kids were so young, and at their age they'd get used to any environment they were put in.
it has to be because i'm used to living near a big city. if i were them, i'd have chosen the 4-bedroom apartment right on the city limits. eff the yard. they'll get a yard when they get back to the states. Paris can be their yard.
I can't imagine not having a yard...but that's just me. And I feel antsy because we've got under 2 acres.
But, it's PARIS. You have parks. and nannies. And the whole 9 yards. ANd if you raise your kids in a slightly more 'Parisian' style (which I'm sure they won't), they can gett eir butts to the park on a daily basis.