a few months ago (Obs office, specifically--although I do really like my OB).
They sent my re-do pap to an out-of-network lab. So I got a bill. I called them and asked why. they said "because it's out of network". I called them on that...'wait, I go to an in-network doctor in an in-network hospital--everything is inplan and I'm supposed to KNOW that the 5th time you send out labs for me, yoiu send them someplace out of network?"
Yes. apparently. They blame Aetna.
So I called and bitched at Aetna. Where do you tell me this? isn't my doctor supposed to do this?
Oh, I'm supposed to know, and they blame the doctor.
SO I calle veryone (the lab, the doc, and Aetna) and tell them I'm not paying this bill until they talk to eachother.
OB's office manager said she'd get back with me. That was, oh, mid-Dec.
I called back today, talked to the office manager...they're resubmitting it, it will be covered. I can keep my $40.
Thank you. Because they were NOT going to like what I proposed next--which was "fine, I'll pay it, and deduct $40 from what I owe YOUR office."
(And now I will be the annoying patient who tells everyone 15 times 'must go to an in-network lab!')
Re: *humming 'hail to the victor'* I got all pissy w/ the doc's office
it IS only $40.
But I"m hostile and obnoxious. And think I do my due diligence by making sure my doctor is in plan and knows my insurance.
If they boot it...I may end up paying it. But I did make my point very clear. I was polite (barely) but clear.
I was charged $40 instead of $25. They said don't worry we'll fix it. Next came collections. They said pay $25 we'll take care of it. Next came another collections notice. This time it went like this
"Let's be clear. I'm paying the $15 to protect my credit. You now have MY money. I'm also unemployed. I have plenty of time to continue to call and get my money back."
I'm still working on it.