the two of them came by last night. they are bored and were looking for home cooked food. i wasn't home at all during the day, so there was no food.
BUT we were privvy to the most rah-tah-ded fight to have ever been had in my presence. i wonder if BIL realizes he was duped into all of this, or maybe he's a willing participant. who knows. but i LOVE DH, and i LOVE that he is just as judgy as me.
apparently they're fighting about new-SIL being a SAHM when they have babies. they brought the fight with them. new-SIL quit her job and is going to school for something completely unrelated. good for her, on that front.
but really, i am sure this has very little to do with job satisfaction, and everything to do with setting herself up to not work anymore. this is just a judgemental assumption.
she said that she's not working when they have kids, and BIL is not pleased he wasn't consulted for this decision. not only do they live in a high COL city, BIL isn't bringing home anywhere near what DH and I make combined, which would actually allow this chick to be a SAHM/W/whatever when the time comes.
I asked, "is there something we don't know? are you have a baby anytime soon?"
nope. so the discussion is under the rug until they have to make that decision.
but her BFF lives right across the street (which is why they live in the apartment they live in) and her BFF's husband comes from old money, and BFF is a SAHM, so i truly think she wants to live the same life her BFF lives.
i told DH, neither of us can afford to be a SAHanything, but i don't mind working at all. and new-SIL is a lable hoar, so i don;t know how she's going to feel not being able to afford $200 boots because she "wants to know her kids, and daycare isn't a replacement for a mother's care." (that's what she said when she justified wanting to stay home. i found it a little condescending.)
Re: s/o ttc - new-sil related gossip.
I would imagine that staying at home would lose luster with her fast because she would actually have to WORK to stay at home. Staying at home isn't all that easy, especially when there are children involved.
Unless you have a Nanny.
apparently, i have the option to work from home. i don't mind working, and i'd honestly rather DH be the stay-at-home person if we had a choice. but really, we're lucky that we probably can work our schedules to only need childcare 2-3 days a week maximum.
regardless of that, i thought it was highly unrealistic for this girl to just state she was going to stay at home, without thinking of where they may be financially at that time in the future.
yes, 6. i was wondering that myself. they did discuss it, and because the both of them like nice things, they knew they'd both have to work. new-SIL recently changed her mind about it and now they are fighting because if she were to get pg right now, they can't afford to have only one income indefinitely.
and BIL is kind of stupid, i think he'd get a 2nd job just to not fight.
Psh. It is too easy. I mean, maybe if there were more children involved, it would be less so, but if you have the temperament for it (ie, you're an antisocial homebody), staying at home is teh ossums. I get embarrassed when people give me props about my job being "so hard" - Really? I don't find it at all difficult to stay in my pajamas till noon and do chores I'd have to do even if I were working.
But I am a lazy housewife, so YMMV.
ETA: Ditto 6. This is something you discuss before you marry (or, in our case, before you date.).
I also think being a SAHM is what you make it too. I know women that are very organized and have more things planned than I would ever do. I also know women that were over it after 6 months and can't wait to go back to work.