That's a good summation of me as of late. Still no job, no leads in the past 2 months really, and as far as my hope of more jobs being posted/things looking better in the market after the holidays were done= nada.
Today was especially bleak. I slept in forever, did nothing, couldn't find motivation to do much of anything, and then took like a 3 hour nap. This really blows. I really am starting to understand what V meant when she said her ego couldn't take staying home much longer.
BFF's dad doesn't need my help any longer, so I don't have that any more. I guess I could go volunteer at a shelter again, but they're all on the other side of town, and I figure I might as well try to save gas $ with no extra $ coming in at the moment.
I'm really starting to get worried about not being able to find a job. It will be 4 months next week. Even TV is starting to depress me b/c everyone has jobs (as dumb as that sounds). ::sigh:: I'm *trying* to be more positive this year, and have the state of mind that things are going to look up and I will find a job soon, but today really derailed that plan.
I think I just needed to vocalize that. Thanks for listening.
Re: Blah
I'm blah but because I am getting assraped at work. Everyone wants something from me AND NOW!
BUT, I am super grateful to have a job, because if I didn't, we'd be penniless and in the street in about 2 months. I just wish things were different here, because it doesn't have to be this way.
/end rant
Thanks guys.
V- I thought about calling you today, but I didn't know what your availability would be to talk. I'm feeling a little better tonight. I think I'm going to get myself up extra early tomorrow and make DH breakfast before his first day of school this semester, and get to painting our room and the downstairs bath. Atleast it will give me something to do and I know I'll feel better about having it done.
And ditto on the weight thing. I've put on 10lbs in the past few months, and though I'm home and have all the time in the world, I have zero motivation to do anything about it. I take that back, I really would like to go walk/run outside and take the dogs. But it's too momofarking cold, esp for them. But it's supposed to be mid thirties by Wed/Thurs, which is tolerable, so my goal is to get out there and get moving.