My uncle is slowly killing himself.
He was hospitalized several times last year for congestive heart failure, fluid around his heart, emphysema, and diabetes. He also has severe liver damage from years and years and years of being an alcoholic.
My mom called me last night to tell me that he was in the hospital again for extremely high potassium levels. I guess a normal person's levels are at 3.5 to 5, and his is at 8.5, which is labeled as "severe." It causes heart failure in almost 70% of patients with levels that high.
To add to the problem, he refuses to stop drinking. He stopped for a couple years, but in the last year, he's fallen off the wagon. So when he's in the hospital, he goes through withdrawal and becomes just an awful person, cussing everyone out and demanding nonsensical crap.
He's depressed and he wants to die. I wouldn't doubt if it happened this year. He's just so miserable. Personally, I want him to be happy. And if that means dying, so be it.
Re: Family drama