On Saturday morning I was having this super realistic dream that I was getting attacked by this creepy guy on meth. I didn't want to fight back because I didn't want to provoke anything further, but eventually I threw some punches. Yep, I woke up and was hitting DH. He was all startled and annoyed with me. On the flip side, it was good because he had to go to work that morning and he'd slept through his alarm.
I thought it was a one off occurrence. I've never done that before. But since then, I've had these violent dreams where I'm attacked by someone or in some situation where I need to defend myself. This morning I was apparently pushing DH.
Re: I'm a sleep abuser
I've done that before, and my sis woke up wanting to know why I was hitting her. We were kids, but she hasn't let me live that one down.
I guess I was hitting her pretty hard.
H poked me in the eye one night.
I don't know if I hit or knee him but he's smacked me in his sleep. And put his ice cold feet behind my legs.