i'm rested. i get my gtg on, which was awesome. florida's cold, y'all. it was the coldest vacation dh and i have ever been on, and that includes london in november. what the what, arctic air.
things i learned/did:
europeans and latin americans are horrible. are americans the only ones who wash their hands after using the bathroom/loo/wc/bano? that's what i saw. i avoided food options that had a toppings bar due to this.
both groups also have much closer personal space radii than i do. do not like. they also do not observe basic american queueing ettiquette and structure. there was a lot of "i am taking this place for me and all of my kin, for now and forever." also do not like.
we saw avatar. what a terrible, terrible movie.
PMEG! i got into a fight with an old man. you would have been proud. he was talking during the whole terrible movie, and when i told him to stop, he denied it. i walked away, but then he came after me, and i yelled back.
despite it being cold out (snow was in the forecast!), kids were still running out and swimming in the pool. i kind of wanted to call the police just to keep an eye on the kids, but whatever.
Re: i'm back.
I missed you.
re: handwashing and personal space - I suffer from both of these problems when traveling. My Mom got right in there was pushing and shoving to see the Mona Lisa....I hung back and checked her out from afar. I don't need to be touching people, and if I am, I am not going to enjoy the art.
This is problematic as we travel with a group. Everyone wants to take the same picture of the same thing. Just looking at my pics, you would think I was on a different trip, because I won't elbow anyone for a photo op.
Flying in Europe is like that. No one boards like we do in the US, it's just stand in line and push on the plane. It drove me crazy. I need my farking order, I need to know that I'm boarding with people near me, and for the love of god don't touch.
Also, I'm proud of your fight. Old people need to be put into place.
i'm okay with the shoving. i get it, it's a crowded space and there's going to be some shoving.
but shoving + no handwashing? i will wait for the crowd to pass, thanks,
Yaaaaayyyyyy!!!! Welcome back.
Americans like 18" of personal space, the rest of the world 12. At least that's what I've read.
Maybe they don't wipe so they don't think they need to wash their hands.
There are many people at the office that (prior to the instalation of automatic flushers) didn't flush or wipe (well, there wasn't TP in the unflushed toilet). Yuck.
WTELMF is wrong with people?
WHY? WHAT THE WHAT WHY? how horrible. people need to be put down.
srsly, avatar was boring. boooooring. luckily, i was distracted by talky mcolderson and his wife, chair mckickerton.
i can't believe other people liked this movie. i liked the sfx, but that only holds my interest for so long (in this case, about 15 minutes). the story suck-diddly-ucked, and after that, i was out.