So this weekend we ditched this lame joint and went to Orlando. We dropped the dogs off at our local boarding place and picked them up yesterday a.m.
Bailey has a limp tail and about 6" of it from the butt down is swollen and painful to the touch. My doggus can't wag his tail, he tucks it under himself and clearly has issues lifting it to potty. I gave him some of his pain meds this a.m. in the hopes that it makes him feel better or makes the swelling go down.
Now, the enraged momma in me wants to drive down and take a crow bar to the vet/boarding center. The rational side says to take him to our regular vet tomorrow a.m. (first appt. avail.), get a diagnosis, etc., and then call the boarding center and ask if anything happened and then explain the situation. And by explain the situation, I mean demand a refund and full payment of my regular vet's bills.
I'm just so flarking mad I could pull a "To Wanda!" and drive my car through their front door.
Re: Vent (dog related)
That's messed up. They either noticed and try to not address the issue or (worse yet) they never even noticed your pup was hurt.
I hope he feels better soon.