Dear Annoyingass secretary,
I'm so very sorry that you had a bad time last week. I realize you went to the emergency room and they determined that you have several tumors growing in your kidneys (and that they haven't determined if they're benign). I also realize that you're in pain and this is an awful experience to be going through.
This does not change the fact that no one here likes you. Right now, we all feel badly for you, but do not take that as friendship. You've pulled too much schit for us to suddenly be buddies.
Again, I'm sorry this is happening to you. But I have a hard time wanting to be around someone who, when offered covered dishes for their family during your illness, gives a list of foods they prefer and foods they do not like.
Re: Evil open letter
hmm. true, an illness doesn't make someone likeable. but if you spend time making someone a covered dish so they have food during an illness, wouldn't you rather make something you know they like?
she could probably decline the offer if there are certain foods they don't want. for instance, i'd turn it down because i like foods prepared a specific way, and onions give me migraines if they aren't cooked until practically melted.
but anyway, i am glad to see that you haven't lost your evil ways!
::evil sister chest bump::