I got a kitchenaid classic for Christmas last year. About 6 months later it started making a really loud grinding noise on stir, and even worse when I would go from a higher gear to a lower gear. It still worked, I just stopped making anything difficult in it.
I finally called kitchenaid and even though I was 6 days past the warranty, they replaced it. I had the new one within a week.
Last night, I took the new one out of the box and plugged it in and put it on Stir, and it made the WORST noise ever. Like it was crunching chips in its motor. So I called them and now they're sending me a THIRD mixer, and I have to send the first two back (on their dime, but still annoying)
I'm sort of bummed. I thought these were the best mixers EVAR, but the only two I've ever used have a problem.
Re: grrr, kitchenaid rant.
who is this, larissann? are you really whining about a acompany that replaced you out-of-warranty mixer twice?
this is carrannesque, whining about target (and yet still shopping there).
bad product =/= defective product.
they are correcting a mistake on their part, not giving you a bad product.
Well. I think it should be free. And so should that carseat with the mismarked tag. And bathingsuits at the GAP.
FTR, I adore kitchenaid.
too late, i already hate you.
it's not an issue of brand loyalty. it's an issue of saying a company -- any company -- makes a bad product, rather than the truth, which is that they sold you a defective product and are now correcting the problem. twice. out of warranty. which they are under no obligation to do.
and this is an american company. when you insult them, you insult america. congratulations, terrorists -- you win this round. troops, cw hates you guys, fyi.
I can recommend some excellent hand-made soaps to assist you with this.