That's the day I'm having.
1. DH and I got in a fight last night. I'm *trying* to make arrangements for this funeral next weekend that will benefit all three of us because DH has decided the since the funeral is at 9am on Saturday, we can go out to Peoria on Friday, attend the funeral, get in the car and drive back to Indy, and go to his work party. The biggest thing is arranging child care for the kiddo. I've come up with several options that are logistically sound, but DH has turned his nose up at all of them. And he keeps telling me that we'll work it out. No *WE* won't work it out fcker, because I'm done.
2. My mom moved out today and it makes me sad. I loved having her at my house. I almost cried this morning when all her stuff was gone from my guest room.
3. I was late to work. I turned off my alarm and overslept.
4. I've been busy as hell at work with all these youneek problems and people asking for isht.
Thank goodness I have a bottle of Pinot Grigio in the fridge for when I get home. I may drink the whole thing.
Re: @#JK8#$*&@#)&*@#!
I'm with you on this one.
1) H and I were fighting this morning. I'm less than thrilled about going home tonight.
2) I'm frustrated. Frustrated with work, frustrated with H, frustrated with everything.
3) I'm researching possible bakeries to see if they can help me out. It's a daunting list and Grrrr.
4) I'm pissed at out high COL area and how we can't freakin' get ahead despite making a decent living. I'm at the point of looking for waitressing gigs.
Luckily tonight I'm having dinner and wine with my girlfriend at her house. No money being spent here!
Was the JK8 an accident, or do you feel like there are 8 children running around in your brain all doped up on sugar and fear over their mother going all Rosemary's baby on them?
I'm sorry your day sucks. Who is the funeral for? Why are you bothering to go if you're going to a work party right after? Can you skip the funeral and have a moment of silence in your home instead?
Can you go to the funeral alone and stay with family and let H stay home and go to the party he so desperately needs to attend?
I overslept too. Mainly because FI was in the bathroom. I opened my eyes, saw the door closed and the light on, and went back to sleep.
Do not drink a whole bottle of wine. I know from experience that while pleasant during, it makes for a schitty next day, possibly resulting in TWO days in a row of coming in late. Have two glasses and stop.
I saw the JK8 and thought this was about Jon, Kate or the 8.
See below, I guess it's be frustrated with the SO day.
1. Oddly enough, DH and I fight very rarely. I attribute all of this to one thing: moving into our house. Seriously.
2. I was sad when my parents moved out of our house after a few weeks of being here.
3. I'm annoyed that DH is coming home tomorrow night after his trip out and I may miss my TV shows. I hate that.
4. I'm sorry about your work. I wish there was a way to say to people "sorry, I'm checking out for today, and you can feck off"
I thought you were preparing for your husband's funeral. I'm sorry the day sucks.
(I thought there was a J&K reference too)
The funeral is for DH's uncle who died on Christmas. He lived in San Fran, but DH's family is in Peoria, IL. He's been creamated and I believe DH's other uncle, who lives in SF as well is bringing them to Peoria if they're not there already. DH wants to go for his dad. He was not close to his uncle. DH also wants to go to the party. It's an anniversary party for work. They get us all hotel rooms, dinner, drinks, etc. I've come up with every possible solution I can to the whole mess and DH is not cooperating and I don't understand why.