Whenever big disasters like this Haiti thing happen, it really shakes me up, and I just feel awful. I already donated but don't really know what else I can do to help...I always wish there was more I could do to help. Speaking of -- does anyone know anything we can do to help besides donate?
But, with all of this going on...has the thought crossed anyone's mind about 'the big one' that is supposed to occur in oregon? when i first moved out here and read about it, it really freaked me out...but then i got used to the idea. Now that this earthquake happened in Haiti, I started to think about it again...
They say the Haiti earthquake was their 'big one' and I think when I read that, that's when it hit home: http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20100113/wl_time/08599195328400
And all the articles I've read about the one in Oregon, they all say it's not a matter of IF but WHEN...and I know this is probably selfish of me to even be thinking of this but I just can't help but think about when what happened in Haiti, happens here...
and the thing is, the one in Haiti was 7.0...the one in Oregon is supposed to be 9.0...
I know we can't live our lives worrying about this stuff, but it still scares the hell out of me.
one article: http://www.kval.com/news/tech/64534977.html
Re: Did anyone else have this thought?
Sure, I've thought about it. It *could* happen. But I can't live my life fearing things that *could* happen. I work in a very crazy industrial company. There was a fatality at our location a few months ago. The kind of random fatality that could have happened to anyone here. When I drive my car in and out every day, I *could* get hit by a train, or a forklift, or something else bad. There are vehicles driving next to me that could literally run my car right over. It's scary. But, I just have to try to avoid them, and use common sense, and get home safe.
I was in Oregon for the "spring break earthquake" when I was about 12 years old...it was hella freaky, and not even a really bad quake. Every time I drive over a bridge (especially a tiered bridge) I remember all the people in San Francisco that died on the bridges there in the Big Quake. It's really scary, but if I let myself freak out about it all the time, I would be a MESS.
Especially having a kid now...freaks me out even more. DH and I have solid plans in case of a natural disaster, terrorist attack, alien invasion, etc...
But I prefer to just focus on the positives
Same here totally...I think you HAVE to be that way otherwise you'd go crazy...I think the reason it's so hard for me to accept is because 1. It's not a matter of maybe happening..because it WILL happen, it's just when. and that scares the *** out of me..but yeah I have to realize that I have a much higher chance of dying in a car crash than the earthquake happening while we're here. and 2. I've lived my whole life somewhere where there was basically 0% chance of an earthquake so it's new to me.
What are your solid plans, if you don't mind me asking? DH and I have like no disaster survival kits or anything right now, but I've been thinking more about making one lately
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Where else have you lived?
Cause hurricanes scare me. Tornadoes scare me REALLY bad. Floods scare me. And those happen all the damn time. Out of 28 years in Oregon, one mild earthquake, I'm ok with those odds.
Our survival kit..well we have a bunch of canned food, a ton of bottled water. If we were to have no phone service (like on 9/11) we both meet at the house. If our house is not an option, we meet at his Mom's (about 10 minutes from our house). If aliens attack, we head to his Dad's hous in Battleground. It's in the middle of nowhere, huge, and there are lots of guns there. Then we wait until the aliens tire of Earth and go home. LOL. So, it's not that great of a plan, but it's a good start!
Honestly... I think I may have a more morbid look at things. We are creating the devastation of our planet that is causing these disasters. It will only continue to get worse.
As for the actual Oregon earthquake - they can predict it, but it may not be for another few hundred years. Or tomorrow. Just live one day at a time and get the most out of it.
As for donating, what about donating your time? You can check the Hands On Portland calendar and pick something fun that will really help people. I'm sure there are disaster relief teams setting up here to help.
I just checked my email and got this from CREDO. Here's a suggestion about what you can do to help Haiti.
As for helping out.. Check out The Mangrove Fund http://www.mangrovefund.org/
They're a non profit run by a friend of mine and they help provide sustainable assistance to impoverished Haitian communities. My friend also adopted a little boy from Haiti about a year ago. Any help or money that they collect right now is going straight to Haiti. They could probably take any help anyone could give right now!
As for the worry about something bad happening here.. I personally wouldn't stress too much about it.. I've lived in Oregon since I was 8 and the worst "disaster" we've had is the snow from last winter and the ice storm/flooding during the winter of 95/96.. and we all survived just fine
I don't really think global warming is creating earthquakes, but maybe that's just the geology nerd in me talking!
I grew up with earthquakes and was in the 89 SF earthquake and remember it vividly. Even though I was young (8), it was scary! Our pool literally had waves and about 1/4 of it spilled out. Earthquakes woke me up a handful of times in San Diego, too.
I'm with Jen-other natural disasters scare me alot more! Earthquakes are so unpredictable that you really can't stress about them. Tornadoes and floods you get a bit more warning, so for me that would be more time to freak the F out!
Learning to start all over again... Blog
EDIT: Didn't mean to sound like Al Gore in my first comment! I just realized how "soapbox-ish" that sounded.
when it comes to earthquakes, i have to agree with SD on this one. now, i could be totally wrong here as i haven't done a TON of research..so please don't quote me on this...but from what i have read, when it comes to earthquakes like the one in haiti or the big one due in oregon, those have been happening in pretty regular cycles for thousands of years long before humans...and while i agree 100% that we are speeding up a LOT of earth processes (glaciers melting etc etc), i dont think we're really affecting the faults...the big one in oregon seems to happen once every 300 years and well, it's been over 300. also about predicting them...again i could be wrong, but from what i've read, i think that while scientists are starting to get closer in figuring out how to predict earthquakes, they can't quite do it yet. i would be OH so happy if they could! when i was freaking out about it and researching it like crazy a few months ago, i think the best estimate i could find was that there is a 10% chance that it will happen within the next 50 years. (which made me feel a TON better actually)
totally agree 100% that we are affecting earth processes though.
jen -- i lived my whole life in michigan and yes we did have tornadoes, but they were so commonplace that it didn't bother me..we always had warning so we knew where to go to get cover and be safe. in my 26 years of living there, i think we only ever had to go into the basement twice. i think part of the scare with earthquakes, too is that SOOOO many people are affected. with smaller things like tornadoes, only a few people would be affected at a time...i know it's illogical but that's how my mind works lol. kinda like with planes....because so many people die at once, and makes national news, it's scary. and then floods, well we just didn't have floods in michigan.
i try not to worry about it and honestly i'm WAY better than i used to be, but it's hard not to worry sometimes!
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So I am a little late on this. I live in Clatskanie, which is on your way to Astoria along highway 30. Small town. We are on the Columbia River and when it flooded here back in 96, town was a mess. School was out for a week and half (even though the schools were not damaged, they were used for housing) I remember being in middle school and having to go to our storage unit that is close to the river and get everything outta there. Both my parents in hip weighters, it was intense.
The flooding that happened here in Dec. of 07. My house was flooded, not much but enough for me to loose all my furniture. We had the Nehelam River right behind us. Watching that water rise about one foot an hour was intense. We never planned on leaving our house but at about 1 in the morning it was about an inch from going into our house and we left and trekked through the water and stayed in an old museum.
Natural disasters freak me out as well. But we live in Oregon and it rains 95% of the year (okay maybe not that much
Having a plan is a good thing when a disaster happens, on my next day off I am going to sit down with the hubs and make a plan, and what all should happen.
Ha!! I would say it's definetly closer to 97%
awwwww i love the little rain emoticon thingy...i've never seen that one before!!
Visit my blog about my family's experiments in eco-living
I'm totally late in responding to this post, but I'm with SD on this. I lived in the SF Bay Area for most of my life, remember the Loma Prieta earthquake, and experienced lots of small earthquakes. All you can really do is be prepared (have enough water, canned goods, medications, batteries and radio, etc.) and have an emergency plan in place with your family. True, you can't predict earthquakes, but at least big ones don't happen every year like the floods and hurricanes you see in other parts of the U.S.
Here is a link to an earthquake preparedness list:
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