So, I thought I was totally better. I went to work all week, was carrying about my business as usual. Still coughing, of course, but it was manageable. Well, yesterday I woke up with a vicious sore throat and my head was all clogged up, AND I was still coughing. I went to work anyway, like an idiot, and by the time I got home I was just completely depleted. No energy to do anything. When I woke up this morning, I could hardly breathe and was sucking on my nebulizer again. I am officially re-sick.
So, I'm home today. I literally just woke up about an hour ago and am thinking I'm going to call my doctor and see if she can squeeze me in. I am miserable.
Re: Ugh, I am STILL sick.
5lbs 9 oz, 18.5 inches long
6 months: 16lbs 15 oz, 27 inches long
Oh no, I hope your doctor can see you. At this point you need some antibiotics.
Hope you feel better soon.. good things its finally starting to get warm!
My Blog: One Project at a Time Blog
My Chart
CP 05/09
BFP on 7/26/09 - M/C 8/13/09 @ 7 Wks
BFP on 10/28/09 - M/C 11/9/09 @ 5 Wks 2 Days
1/25/10 - RPL results everything normal but have low Progesterone
BFP on 06/09/10 - EDD 02/20/2011
I already took antibiotics I finished my Z-pack on Sunday. I just started getting sick again, no idea why. I guess my body just didn't get over it.
Booo!! Hope the both of you get better soon!
Oh no Eli It's been a while! Maybe you need something stronger than a z-pack. That's happened to me before where I had to take something else because my infection didn't respond to a z-pack.
You couldn't possibly have swine flu, could you??
Get lots of rest and feel better! Oh and I'm home sick too so if you ever want to chat email me,
I know! It's been over a week already. My doc called in a stronger antibiotic so hopefully that will do the trick. I don't think I have the swine flu, but I really can't be 100% sure. When I saw my doctor last week she instantly pronounced that I had bronchitis, but also noted that my throat looked infected (though I wasn't having any symptoms) and I did have a fever. The sore throat started yesterday. What I'm really nervous about is developing walking pneumonia, since my cough hasn't let up and bronchitis can easily turn into that. So, I'm going to start taking the new antibiotics and pray! I don't know what she sent yet, I have to get my butt to Walgreens.
My email is elistar1210 at gmail I bet you must be super bored by now! Just one day at home and I'm already antsy. Are you feeling much better yet? Are you home alone? It's miserable being sick and alone (
Ugh my sister had walking pnemonia and it was terrible! I hope you don't have that . Hopefully these new antibiotics work.
I am definitely feeling much better, finally! I am more energetic. Walking still takes some effort, but it's much better and you would never be able to tell by looking at me that I'm thinking about my steps lol.
Last week I was alone a lot and it was depressing! DH's schedule has been better this week though so he has been home more. I cant wait to go back to being normal though!