I'm making a not-so-fancy garbage can compost bin. A few questions:
If you made something similar, how big were the holes you drilled?
Do you place your compost bin in the sun or the shade?
Do you go out of your way to chop up items smaller before placing in the bin (ie. veggie waste, etc)?
What do you typically compost?
If you compost grass clippings, do you have a chemical lawn service that sprays your lawn (I'm going to attempt an organic garden so it seems like I wouldn't want to use the chemically sprayed grass we're required to have in our neighborhood)?
Do you use worms in your compost bin?
What else do I need to know? Thanks!
Re: Garden newbie compost question (xp from MM and Gardening)
I just answered you on MM.
Here are my question for container composters (I've just done a ground pile): Do worms get into your pile? How are they able to get in? Does the container get too heavy too empty? (If you have a trashcan kind without a door.)