So all of you know I'm home sick, and it's even worse because my DH is working so much and I somehow have had to take care of myself.
He feels SO guilty about it. I mean, I totally understand because he is working soooo hard and I am so proud of him, but he feels like it's his husbandly duty to be home taking care of me, especially since I'm never sick.
I just called him a while ago and he couldn't talk, because he was super busy and the kitchen was out of hand. Well I just got a call from an unknown number, and I when I picked it up, it was one of his staff whom he asked to call me to check up on me! She's a friend of mine as well, so it wasn't weird at all. It was so nice to hear her say "Anthony asked me to call and make sure you were ok, and that you didn't need anything.. " It just made me feel all warm and loved
Don't you just love it when they do something sweet and unexpected? Just had to share!
Re: AW! My awesome hubby :)
AW! Too cute.
Hope you get better quickly1
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett