I've been lurking for way too long....haha. About me: DH and I live in Brooklyn, NY (Hi 315bride!!). We have two furbabies (boston terrier and a rabbit) and are expecting our first human baby in, oh, about 10 weeks! haha.
GL related: we have no car (city living helps that case, although lately we've been considering getting one), we use reusable bags, I'm in love with my gudonyatoo products (thanks for all the recommendations on here), recycling is big for us although I feel like I contastly have to remind DH about it, we joined a CSA last fall (and love it) and are joining the park slope food coop in a few weeks (have to go through orientation). We are going to be cloth diapering our baby (signed up for a diaper service).
I'm also seriously considering becoming a vegetarian - I am borderline right now, which I know is kind of a weird place to be in. I eat mainly vegetarian and try to only eat meat when I know the food source (like if I buy the meat from the farmer's market, etc), but it's a big life change/challenge and as strongly as I feel about it, I'm not sure if I can just yet.
Sorry, that was a long intro. Happy Friday!
Re: coming out of lurking to say hi!
Hello and welcome! Congrats on your baby, I'm so jealous. DH and are TTC and we're so excited! Sounds like you're doing lots of great green things already, good work! I recently went vegetarian in July after eating less and less meat for a long time, so if you have any questions about going all the way veg page me here, I'm happy to help! There's a lot of other vegetarians on this board too.
What's up next for your green journey? I didn't see reducing/eliminating your paper use (paper towels, tampons, maybe TP), maybe that? Happy to have you here, no need to lurk!
hmmm....good question. We don't buy paper towels. I don't even think I buy tissues....lol. I'm not sure about replacing the tampons with the alternatives - I think I might wait until after we have the baby and my cycles are back to normal. I think you're supposed to use pads anyways...lol. TP, we buy the recycled brand, and I think that's as far as I can push DH. For now I really want to get our food consumption to mostly local, organic, sustainable.
Visit my blog about my family's experiments in eco-living