I was thinking about this last night as I was watching Take Home Nanny... and I was thinking I bet these parents never thought they would have kids like this.. or that they as parents, never thought they would put up with their behavior etc etc. So.. it got me thinking. For me... most ways, yes I am the parent I thought I would be. But I find myself doing things that I thought I would never do, or have said I would never do that. For example.. I have ALWAYS said that once my child is walking she is too old for a binky. I always hated to see toddlers walking around with a binky in their mouth. And.. ofcourse Brianna still has her binky. Granted we only let her use it for sleeping... but its ironic how you change your view of things. I thought I'd be more strict in certain areas... but I'm not. Just interesting how things change...
What about you!?
Re: Are you the type of parent you thought you were going to be?
I don't post often, but my daughter just turned one so I've been in a very reflective mood. In many ways I am the parent I thought I would be, but like you, there have been a few surprises. I'm surprised at how patient I am with her. I'm an A-type personality and having Parker has taught me how to let alot of things go that, at the end of the day, just aren't important. It's just another reminder that our children are the ones in charge....at least for the time being
Hi Maura!
I think for the most part, I have been. I was always very adamant about not leeting our baby sleep with us and putting them in the crib ASAP and I stuck to that from the get go. I was initially against using a pacifier but very quickly learned how handy they are I think we also lucked out with a relatively easy baby, good sleeper, etc. If we had a baby who cried all the time and would not sleep, I probably would have resorted to whatever worked! As he gets older, I think it will be harder to stick to what we had planned to do as parents but I am very adamant about sticking to disciplining and making sure Ryan knows thye meaning of the word no. I see too many kids who rule the household and I so do not wnat to fall into that trap.
So far...yes and no...I'm not 100% laid back - but my God, I never thought I was a total type A personality, but having a baby has brought that out in me full force and I hate it and I also dislike that I don't have any control over Austin's "schedule" and I wish I could get the stick out of my butt about that!
But on the flip side, when he was born I was pretty laid back about bringing him out and about...
I always wanted to be a mother and just looking at Austin and seeing him give my "lovey" eyes lets me know I am the loving parent I thought I would be, who will/would help to nurture another individual and watch them grow into who they are.
Oh and also, I never ever ever thought I would let Austin sleep in the bed with us, but as a newborn it was SO necessary!!
Yes and No
I am not as structured as I thought I would have been. But Owen is pretty adaptable, as far as napping goes and stuff, he can nap on the go, in the car, at my moms, wherever!
Several years ago, I never would have thought I would have to work FT. But I wasn't considering mortgages and family health insurance way back then...
Like someone else said, I always thought I would be a good mom, and feel that I am, so that's good!