A few years ago I started a program to recycle CDs (we do a lot of software stuff for our products) and it was major drama. I had to fight facilities and HR until they finally allowed me to do it. SO RIDICULOUS. I take care of everything, no skin of their backs, but you wouldn't believe the resistance I got.
Now I want to start a bottle & can recycling on the 3rd floor where my office is (the only other one is in the cafe on the 1st floor and I'm sure whoever did that faced the same fight). I only drink water out of my kleen kanteen, always, but I can't stand seeing others throw theirs out.
Well, drama all over again. Facilities guy tells me it will attract flies. Um, we don't have flies in here dude. OK, then it will attract bugs from outside. Um, the one in the cafe doesn't, now does it? On and on with excuses. Who will redeem the bottles? I don't plan on taking them, I plan on finding someone who wants the money, like the cleaning lady who sometimes picks them out of the trash. Moron then says there will be a fight over who is getting the money. SERIOUSLY!?
Ugh. I'm sure I'll win eventually but this is SO stupid.
Vent over.
Re: work recycling vent
I fail to see how a can/bottle recycling container would attract flies/bugs. Does the garbage can that people currently use attract them?
Why does someone have to redeem the cans? Can't you just drop them off at a recycling facility and not take the money? Maybe your state works differently than AZ, but I'm confused by that. At my work, I just collect all the recyclables myself, take the bag home and toss it all in my home recycling bin. My town does a weekly curb-side pickup, which is awesome.
They don't have to be redeemed for money, but by offering someone the cans for money, I won't have to take them home myself. It's a really large office and it's going to be a lot of cans. I already take home the paper recycling that we can't recycle there (such as out of date brochures) and I would prefer to get a system going that works for itself, not more that relies on me.