Oregon Nesties
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Okay ladies - don't go to Sunset Animal Hospital! I am livid right now!!! 
My babies are okay and no one got hurt - that is unless I don't get a refund! 
Edit: I changed the title. It sounded a little "angry".
Re: I un-rec this vet!
Learning to start all over again... Blog
It's a long story, but here goes:
I called to make Fin an appt. I asked how much a procedure was and how much the office visit was. Receptionist "E" told me $40 procedure + $28 office visit + $15 nail trim. Fine.
I took Fin last Friday.
On the way in he pooped right in front of the door of the vet. I picked it up in our doggy bag. Sitting in the examining room I asked the nurse, "D", if she could throw poopy away.
Dr. takes Finley to back room for procedure.
Nurse "D" popped her head into exam room where I was waiting and says "Dr. wants to run poop in the lab." I thought that was weird, since I asked her explicitly to throw it away. I told her ok, assuming it was going to be considered part of the procedure since I didn't give her the poop for that reaason and she didn't really ask.
Appointment's over.
I go up to front desk to pay and the bill was $167.20. They charged me $50 for the office visit instead of $28, plus $27.25 to run the poop in the lab.
After I saw the invoice I told the nurse I shouldn't have been charged the additional $49.25. She said "sorry", but that's what it costs. I told her I was quoted one price, and was charged another. She was unwilling to help me and I was getting more frustrated, so I left.
Today nurse "D" calls me.
I explained to her that I should be refunded the $49.25. She says that they don't give quotes over the fun. Um, yes they do! They've given a quote to me EVERYTIME I've called!!! She said this repeatedly, I told her my piece over and over.
Then, I told her she was very sneaky with the poop thing. She said she didn't mean to be sneaky, but said I still need to pay. I told her that it's no longer about the money, but about the principle. She offered me a "free groom".
Yeah, like I really want to take my dogs back there! Anyways...
Her and I went on and on for 19 MINUTES! She still refused to budge, I refused to budge. She then started to get mean, and I had to throw my "you don't know who I am in the pet world" BS. Yes, I own a pet store, but no I'm certainly not special. (I just didn't want her to know that!)
I also told her I had referred several people to them, spent a LOT of money there, etc. I asked for the owner's name and that's when she said she will have the office manager call me back on Tuesday.
Damnit! I better get a refund! I'm not even mad about the money, I just feel they were being sneaky by not throwing the poop away like I asked then charging me for it. And quoting me one price (the same price I've paid EVERY time I've been there) and then doubling it.
Okay, hope you made it through all that!
I also told her that if this doesn't get resolved I will take it to the veterinary board.
That is really strange they wouldn't do what you asked and then charge you for doing that? I'd definitely talk to the owner...
BTW-you own a pet store? I had no idea!
Learning to start all over again... Blog
I am still the owner and own the rights to everything, we just aren't active in it anymore. I still own one site that's live, unfortunately. It needs to be taken down but my web guy moved to India - he's from Portland - and I haven't bothered to do it yet. But I don't advertise it and it no longer gets many hits. And it still has some editing to be done on it if I wanted to get business on it.
TTC #1 since May 2010. BFP #1 - 5/31/10; m/c on 7/22/10
Started seeing RE in August 2011
5 IUIs: BFN; IVF #1 - Success! BFP - 7/25/12